First Baptist Church of Bellevue, Ohio
Serving the Master and Bellevue since 1836
Consistent with the constitution of this organization, we, the membership of this congregation adopt the following core values:
1. Jesus is Savior and Lord. He is the reality of all things in the Crhsitian faith. Jesus died for the sins of the world, and is the only means of access to the Father.
2. We are a family. We love one another and strive to maintain lasting friendships through fellowship, encouragement, and support.
3. We Love God's Word. We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God and we will read it, study it, live by it, and share it with others.
4. We will worship the lord our God through music and song, in our giving, as we celebrate the Lord's Supper, and as we listen to the messages shared with us.
5.We will worship the Lord in prayer, praising Him for His faithfulness,thanking Him for His goodness and care, and by making requests for our needs and the needs of others known to God.
6. We desire to share the good news of Jesus with and meet the needs or our community as the Lord enables us, striving to move outward withthe message of Jesus crucified.